Books 146 to 150 of 151    Pages:   <  30  31 
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Adventures of a Letter

32 Pages
Age Group:8+
Illustrator:Tabatabaee, Seyed Hesamedin
Publisher:Neyestan Books
Writer:Shojaei, Seyed Mehdi
Abstract:This story is about the letter from Prophet Mohammad to the king of Persia to convert him to Islam. In this letter Prophet Mohammad asks him to prevent cruelty and injustice towards people. The Prophet's kind approach makes a great affect in the king…

The Story of Two Lonely Turtles

28 Pages
Illustrator:Goldouzian, Alireza
Publisher:Kanoon publishing
Abstract:Language: Farsi and Italian Edition by Serendipita Due tartarughe sole`

Neither Friendship Nor Hatred Will be Forgotten

24 Pages
Illustrator:Rahimzadeh, Pejman
Publisher:Neyestan Books
Writer:Shojaei, Seyed Mehdi
Abstract:This is a story from Kelileh Demneh.
One day a jeweler was passing through a jungle looking for a treasure he had heard of. Suddenly he was trapped along with some animals which were nearby him. A tourist who was also passing this jungle came across and quickly released them and saved their lives…
Each of the freed animals was very thankful to the tourist and knew well that if it was not for the man's help, they would have not been alive, and they promised to make up to him soon…
Years passed by till one day when the tourist came back to their land again, he was received warmly by the animals. But unfortunately what he got from the jeweler was his betrayal…

The Bird and the Fortune

36 Pages
Illustrator:Khaef, Bahram
Poet:Lotfollah, Davood
Publisher:Kanoon publishing,  Serendipità
Abstract:Also in Italian edition 'Dimmi' by Serendipita

The Bird and the Fortune is a collection of poems by Davood Lotfollah. The poems being recited particularly for teenagers include a variety of modern themes especially appealing to teenagers. In its first poem The Bird and the Fortune, a bird's life has been described in a cage. It has been trained to pick one of the fortune cards every time it is ordered to and hand it to the passengers who are going to buy a fortune card from its owner. The fortune card mysteriously with the bird's fortune itself....

Saint Maria

408 Pages
Publisher:Neyestan Books
Theme:Runaway,  Mass media,  Friendship,  Adolescence
Writer:Shojaei, Seyed Mehdi
Abstract:This book is a collection of short stories written in a clear and concise style by an author with a strong commitment to his society.
By using a thematic approach, he deals with the adolescent emotional and psychological world (their worries, e. g. loneliness, longing, joys, sorrows, moments of mourning, etc.) with great sensitivity.
He is able to conquer the complexes of modern youth through lyrical emotionality, and convey the belief that real quest takes place within one’s self. intense dense, atmospheric panorama, leads the reader to an exact and empathetic view of the figures, their lives and feelings.
He is a distinguished Iranian author and novelist who is mostly famous for his short stories, which are well known in contemporary Iranian literature. In addition to them, he has also written 5 plays, 10 scenarios and 25 children’s books, so far. He received a Golden Medal in 1999, at “The 1st National Festival of 20 Years of Story Writing”.

Books 146 to 150 of 151    Pages:   <  30  31 
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